Thursday 17 November 2016

Respite reset

In light of the unsettling political events of late, I thought it might be helpful to share some of the ways I find comfort when times are tough, or in this case a little surreal.

Below are a couple places I go online for some much needed web-escapism when the world feels like it’s turning a little too monochromatic grey on me. By taking a moment or two of respite, I’m able to re-set my mind and avoid reacting from a place of fear or anger, which in my opinion would be highly unproductive and counterintuitive.

Comic relief:

Sarah’s Scribbles:
Sarah just gets me, what can I say? Pretty much everything she does is gold in my opinion. In a few small panels she sums up my experience of what it is to be female, introverted, odd and artistic in this world. Covering things like procrastination, leg shaving (or lack there of), social anxiety and of course periods (my all time favorite is her cartoon uterus)... I’m listing this gal’s work first because it brings me such joy.

I think her political cartoon sums things up perfectly:

Calvin and Hobbes: Now, I don’t really have a link for this one. What I have are all of the compilations of the comic strip, worn out and tattered on my bookshelf. Calvin and Hobbes is the perfect mix of hilarity and profound philosophic ponderings. I find it intensely comforting to read and re-read as the years go by. I’d say the only thing that changes with every read as I get older is the empathy I feel for Calvin’s parents!

I’m unsure about copyright and I want to be respectful to the brilliant Bill Watterson, so I won’t post it here but look up, ‘Calvin and Hobbes War and Peace’ in google images. It’s one of my favorites.

Fowl Language:
Now, I do not have children but regardless I find this comic so enjoyable. It’s just too heartwarming and funny to pass up. When I check this one out I feel like I’ve just been snuggled by the entire concept of ‘family love’ and I always have what can only be described as a sweet little chuckle. Side note: I also feel like it keeps me weirdly up to date on what’s going on with parenting these days.

I love what Brian Gordon posted on Nov 9th:

Okay, moving along to another medium…

Podcast relief:

Stuff Mom Never Told You:
I have to say that Cristen and Caroline really ‘take the cake’ for me as far as podcasts go. Simply by way of their subject matter, they had me at the first listen. With topics such as, ‘Empowertising’ and ‘Feminist Fight Club’ these two have been a staple of my evening wind down (or rev up depending on the topic) for a while now.

I listened to their ‘Election Hangover’ the morning after the madness unfolded. I recommend giving it a click:


After taking a much needed mini-web community break, it is time to regroup, strategize and figure out just how to be a positive force during the next, no doubt turbulent time in history.

With a clear head I remind myself of what I know for sure... love always trumps hate. Always.

Stay strong friends.

- J

*J, thank you for all these links and suggestions, I'm gonna go get lost in some of the media you've suggested so I can shore up on my reserve of awesome. - M

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Maira Gall